All About Us

Well, a little about us, anyway...  I thought about trying to go all cryptic and give everybody fake blog names, but given that I've been sleep-deprived for years now, I doubt I could keep it all straight.  I will stick to initials, though.  ;)  We live in the South, and we have six great kids:

A - born in 2001, she makes us so proud!  She loves to talk, is a wonderful writer, a promising artist, shoots on a rifle team, her favorite class is American Government & Civics, she has a very mature spirit and big plans.

 S - born in 2004, she's always been a terrible eater, she's alternately one of our loudest kids and eerily silent, loves crafts, more reserved than her older sister, has an extra-wide stubborn streak and a surprisingly sweet side when she lets it show.

 Z - born in 2006, nicknamed Poochie almost since the day he was born, he is all boy - he loves to run, jump, throw, and battle with lightsabers, sticks, swords, and anything else he can find; gives amazing hugs.

 L - born in 2010, surprised us by being tiny and sounding like a pterodactyl anyway; her first birthday was 32 hours long as she flew through multiple time zones.  She's smart, cute, and really funny; she cracks us up every day and loves to boss us all around.

ZP - born in 2005, he joined our family in 2011.  Tiny, hyper, sweet and loud so he fits right in with the rest of them; ZP was born with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and he is helping us learn about unconditional love and going where God calls us to go, rather than staying where we're comfortable.

E - turning one early in 2013, he has blessed us so much with his smile, his laugh and his cuteness.  He brings us joy each and every day, and even though he's our fifth baby we still love watching him learn to do new things.

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