Thursday, May 16, 2013

Lots of pics and updates

Lots has been going on - of particular note is how insanely cute E and L are!  :)  Lately B has been putting little E on Z's outgrown scooter in the driveway and it is hysterical.  E loves it and the cuteness almost takes my breath away!

This one was on Mother's Day; it was his first ride on the scooter.  I actually have some video of it but my stupid phone has turned the video sideways even though I shot it with the phone upright, so I'm not going to post it.  If I ever figure out how to edit that I'll put it up.  Crazy cute!!

Then last night I took the two older girls to their church activity and B sent me the two pics below while I was gone.  E is dressed for bed but apparently wasn't interested in actually going.  And you can tell from the blur on ZP that he - as always - couldn't hold still!  ;)

It's been a pretty crazy time for us this whole year.  In addition to E getting busier and busier, L is a fun little firecracker and ZP has begun homeschooling with our other kids.  We recently had to buy B his second car in a year, and for the first time in 13 years of marriage we finally know the bliss of a car payment.  *sigh*  Our family truckster needed a big overhaul that cost an arm and a leg, and then about six weeks later the a/c went out in it and that cost the other arm and leg.  ;)  BUT here in the South we don't mess around with no a/c in the truckster when there are kiddos that have to sit in the third row seats and there are no windows back there.  If there were windows I might have really not gotten the a/c fixed, but with no windows back there and extreme Southern heat, biting the bullet and fixing the a/c seemed like the prudent - if painful - thing to do.

A had to have three teeth extracted by an oral surgeon due to them being fused to the bone, so that was fun.  None of our kids but S has needed any kind of dental work (S had one cavity), and A has had braces and headgear for less than a year.  I was a bit nervous about her being put out, but she did great.  I would put the pics of her right after she woke up here but I think she'd kill me.  ;)  She was kinda silly - she had gauze rolls sticking out of both sides of her mouth and kept pinching her bottom lip between her fingers.  She tried to talk but couldn't, so she motioned for me to give her my phone so she could use the keypad; but she didn't have enough motor control to use the tiny keypad, so I got the iPad out and she managed that well enough for me to figure out what she was trying to say.  Which was, "Where is my mouth? I can't find it."  LOL  She was a trooper, she never complained (she was actually blessed to have very little pain - never needed the Rx meds) and has healed very quickly.  AND, great news - two of her adult molars are already visible and on their way in.  

Tomorrow we have a big day - lots of running.  Z has a birthday party not too far away at a park the kids love, and then S is having her birthday party too.  Can't believe S is going to be NINE this weekend!  We are leaving in a couple of weeks for the homeschool conference, and then we'll be home a short time and then off again for a couple of weeks to visit some of our northern kin.  We should get back down here just in time for the super-sweltering heat to kick in.  ;)

I'll finish with a few more pics of the kids; the bottom three were taken by a very dear friend of mine who is quite obviously a very talented photographer.  Cheers!  :)

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