Monday, January 7, 2013

In the beginning...

In honor of the new year, and to formally announce that I intend to claw my way out of the mental wasteland that I've inhabited since getting home from Ukraine (I like to refer to it as my "I-had-two-babies-in-20-months-and-adopted-a-special-needs-orphan-in-the-middle" phase, lol), I'm starting a new family blog so that everyone who wants to keep up with us can, and without the albatross of Facebook to distract me from things I really need to be doing with my life.  I'm jettisoning Facebook because it ends up being a collossal timesucker for me, and too often I get irritated when I'm on it anyway.  So, there you have it. ;)  I'll post pics of the kids and updates on our adventures, as well as random ruminations when the mood strikes.  Hope 2013 is treating you right!  Further up and further in!

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