Wednesday, March 6, 2013


I have been meaning to do a blog post for a few weeks now and time has just gotten away from me.  Ideally I'll be doing one on Sunday afternoons, but we'll see...  ;)  Right now is crunch time for the volunteer work I do editing for an awesome home education resource for our upcoming conference, so this isn't really a good time either but I'm taking a short break to update on the kids since that's the point of this blog anyway.

E has started pulling up to standing all the time and cruising his way around his crib and playpen.  He still doesn't crawl, he just guts it out Army style.  He's just gotten two more teeth and is sleeping a good 7-8 hours at a stretch at night; my only problem is that I am a night owl and I don't go to bed early enough to be ready to greet the day when he wakes all bright-eyed and bushy-tailed at 6:30am.  Working on it though!  ;) I am looking forward to nicer weather - warmer and not rainy! - so I can get out in the mornings and walk again.  The elliptical is a useful tool but I don't love it.  B and I have talked about going out to run together in the mornings... but that is probably just talk, since he gets up earlier than I even want to think about, lol.  But back to our youngest... he has begun to talk a little bit, or at least we think so - when the kids tell him to say "mama" he will.  He's also been signing "more," which the kids also love.  The older three are really so attentive to the littles, it warms my heart.  :)  L was sick yesterday, and when she was feeling better but still fussy and I had to put her down, she wanted S, which I just loved.  So cute and sweet to see the way S takes care of L - cuter still because L is like S's "mini-me" and they are so alike.  The age gap between them is six years, but the resemblances in both personality/behavior and looks are fun to see.

This pic is from last summer, but I think it illustrates nicely the "mini-me" factor between these two!  

L's super-cuteness lately includes her saying "he's" rather than his, and!!  "Is E sittin' in he's high chair?"  She says her when it's about a female, but for males it's "he's" and I love it.  We also got a clock puzzle recently that has each of the numbers going around the clock on a shape that is removable.  I guess they had to get pretty creative with the shapes to come up with 12 different ones, and they thoughtfully provided a list on the back.  (No one but B would actually remember 'parallelogram' after all this time, lol!)  There are some crazy ones though - there is one that has four bubbled parts and it lists it as a quatrefoil; L says it's a butterfly, which is far more descriptive.  :)  But my favorite has been her bringing me the shapes, which apparently her siblings have been teaching her, and she holds up the one with the 6 on it and says, "This is a pexagon," in her sweet little voice and it is SO cute.  I have forbidden everyone to tell her to say hexagon; the cutie mispronunciation stage is never long enough.

New post on our newest homeschool adventure soon - we recently pulled ZP out of the public school system and he's joined his siblings as a home-educated kid, which definitely deserves an update!  Here are a few pics til then:

This is E in the nursery at our homeschool co-op.  Since I have three kids in the nursery (ZP, L, and E) that is where I help out.  ;)

Some L cuteness; she's holding her baby and wearing her new PJs.

Z's self-portrait painting that he did at co-op.  I LOVE it!!